Programme de fidélité
Gagnez des points et échangez-les contre des récompenses
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Inscrivez-vous comme membre et profitez du programme de fidélité.
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Gagner des points
Purchase a product
10 Leaf Points pour $1 dépensé
Sign up to the site
Obtenir 500 Leaf Points
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Utiliser des récompenses
500 Leaf Points = $5 de réduction sur l'article le moins cher du panier
Terms & Conditions
Region-specific – limiting membership eligibility only to people from certain locations, usually a country, mostly done for legal reasons.
Leaf Points may not be transferable to another person – meaning that you cannot share your loyalty card and points with other people.
Leaf Points may not be exchanged for cash – meaning that the earned points or rewards cannot be exchanged for their monetary value.
Specific time limits – making a purchase on a certain day or within happy hours gives double points.
Spending threshold must be 1000 leaf points in-order to redeem points.
Points cannot be used to buy a gift card.